Simply----a dogs tale:
I was in Italy on a well planned vacation when I received the call, on my birthday, that my 11 year old collie dog Becky had died in Maui. This is not her tale but her death, and the timing of it, contributed----as a sort of "preface"---to the following "tale."
I had planned out, what I thought, was a perfect "celebration of life" trip after the passing of my Mother. I lit candles for her in some of the grand cathedrals of Italy. Saw sights I knew she would have enjoyed and thought "Oh---Mom would LOVE this." Enjoyed wonderful food (one of her great talents) and wandered and wondered about the beauty of Italy. I was almost finished with my trip and actually departing the next day to Zurich from Milan to then fly home, when I got an early morning call (as noted---on my birthday) telling me that my dog had quickly secummed to viral pneumonia and was gone. I told the "pet sitter" to please put away all of Becky's goods---in a closet maybe---to allow me to come home and adjust to her not being there without having the "remnants" in view. So much for "well laid plans."
I returned to Maui and did my best to quickly adjust to NOT having a dog companion---something that I had accepted as part of my life since departing LA in 1982.
I quickly got into my bicycle riding and started to connect, or actually reconnect, with assorted musician friends---letting them know that I was available to "sit in" whenever it was comfortable for everyone involved. I did that, and had a great time performing with some of the amazing musical talent on Maui at that time-------but I knew that I would one day get another dog. It is my belief that there is a special bond between a dog and it's chosen "partner." I never liked to think of myself as an "owner" ---even though, I will admit, that I have selected and purchased a number of dogs. Did I "own" them? No. They were a partner in my life and shared it with me. I fed them and trained them and they provided me with a loving true companion to play with and exercise and all that was required was a shared space and food and they freely rewarded me with undying love and devotion. Not a bad deal.....
After a few years of "life without dog" and great times playing music late into the night and assorted dating and social times, I began to receive phone calls from a local woman that said she heard I was looking for a dog. This was simply not true. I had not even thought in that direction. She stated that the local "Vet" had said she should give me a call because she had some remaining pups and wanted to see if I was interested. This was ALSO not true. She was an Australian Shepherd breeder. I informed her that my most recent dog---and her predecessors---were Collies, NOT Australian Shepherds. Though I was familiar with the breed, I was not interested---thank you.
She called every week or so. "Just checking."
At that time, I was dating a woman who, though a stunning beauty and "seemingly" relatively intelligent, repeatedly told me ---"If you ever get another dog WE are through. I know how much you love dogs and there is NO WAY I want to compete for your attention with a dog."
OK. Need I explain the weirdness of this any further? NO? Thank you......
Due to this dual onslaught, I finally told the breeder that I would come by and take a look at her remaining 2 pups. A male and a female. Male "Tri-color" and female "White merle." ("tri-color" meaning with relatively symmetrical markings of black, tan and white and "white merle" meaning a "mottled" white/tan/grey/black but predominately white)
The girlfriend had been descending into that weird area of regular visits and/or PLEASE stay away, you ARE freaking me out/what am I gonna do? kinda...........
I went by late in the afternoon one day to see the pups at the breeders house. This-----is what I saw------------
How could I ressit this white ball of fur? Pale blue eyes and a pink and black nose. The "girlfriend" was a "goner!"......
More tomorrow........."pup" life and "teen" Lani.
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