Sunday, March 4, 2012
Lani: An Angels tail.....(2)
So I now had a little white ball of fur puppy in my life. As mentioned in my previous post, the "girlfriend" was SO furious that I had actually GOTTEN the dog she forbid me to get that she would have nothing further to do with me. "Simple solutions to everyday problems" is a long standing literary project of mine and that little example will get it's own chapter.
I was not unaware of the "traits" of the Australian Shepherd dog breed. My friend Tita had a gorgeous male as part of her 5 dog menagerie in Lake Tahoe and the ranch where I kept my horse had a number of them. They were great trail dogs and very involved in the running of the ranch. Smart and active---always in need of a "task." I remembered a night at the ranch when I helped birth 4 horses (THAT is another story!!) and the male Aussie kept his distance but was always there just outside the corral----watchful and very attentive when I stepped out and got towels or water. He watched my every move----as if he was saying "Let me know if there is anything you need."
She was born on September 5, 1999 and was named "Angel" by the owners. She had a very VERY short "docked" tail (traditional with "Aussies")----just about the length of my thumb knuckle. Barely enough to grab hold of (as the vet put it---obviously an important factor for THEIR line of work) it provided a little hair "patch" over her butt and that was about it. Her bright blue eyes looked uneven but on closer inspection, one simply had better "eyeliner" and the other was unfinished. Her markings were very similar on either side of her face but not identical. They reminded me of some of the works of the artist Gustav Klimt---long rectangular sections of different color overlapping each other. She was a little beauty!
The neighbor across the street also had a dog named "Angel" and to simply to prevent any neighborhood confusion, I decided to switch it from "Angel" to "Lani"----the Hawaiian word for "Heaven" or "Heavenly."
I had gotten into the habit of going for a morning walk down South Kihei Road---for about 2 miles---every day. Lani was carried along in my arms with me for the first few times, with my hand under her ribcage and body snuggled up to my chest. I would put her down to walk along for a while but she was not too thrilled with that idea and would simply sit down and whimper when she was "done" with this whole walk idea. Everyone we met "ooooohed" and though friendly, she showed that she was a bit shy. That was OK with me, it would keep her safe.
A friend came over from Kauai to visit around Christmas time and we spent a number of days trying different tricks and ideas to see what my new dog would like or not. We went on a hike one day and just like on my walks down Kihei Rd., Lani would get a certain distance and then sit---and whimper. OK. NOT a hiking dog.
In getting my new little pup, I knew she would need plenty of yard to run in (which I had) and a task or two to do. I worked out of my Plantation style bungalow and rarely closed the windows or door, so she would have a very healthy, safe environment. The "stilt" style bungalow had 3 steps leading down to the yard on either side of the house but for safety and security, I kept the "public" side closed and the "yard" side open all day. I lived one block from the ocean in Kihei (the south shore of Maui) and could walk her to the big activity park "Kalama Park" at the end of my street. The yard was surrounded by either a Lilikoi (passionfruit) hedge or in front by a line of palms. She soon learned to wander around the yard when I was out working in it and would then follow me into the house to rest while I made jewelry. Life was casual and good.
I decided to take her for a morning walk every day and an evening sunset "cruise" to a different location for a shorter "closer" walk before dinner. I had done this with Becky and had an area (Kilohana hill) where I had last walked her before going off to Italy on the vacation when she died. I remembered that she had wanted to sit by me and stay longer than usual and had looked up at me with her brown eyes when I had told her to get in the car---almost like saying "Can we stay just a bit longer? This is the last time we'll be together." (you may think that "maybe" I am adding a bit of "embellishment" to that thought but I did recall and remember that look of hers on my plane ride to Europe. It was a long loving look that took on some added special meaning when I got the phone call telling me of her passing)
It was a strong learning curve for me with a little young pup in place of an older dog. Becky had a very slow, regal "stroll" walk and NEVER would wander and always walked a step behind me. Suddenly, I had a hyper, frisky "LET"S GO!!!" character to contend with! I always train my dogs the basics in daily "sessions" until I know they have it. "Sit", "Stay", "Down", "Let's go" and "Stop" usually can take care of everything. I have an EXTREMELY loud voice when I want to "project" (vocal lessons and training in college were a real awakening to the power of my voice!) so I had actually two sets of commands. One in a calm (when they are cooperating) voice and one very firm and loud to make sure I get their attention. I'll correct myself here---I rarely said "STOP!" It was actually either "NO" or their name---REALLY loud. That would stop them in their tracks. I had always promised my dogs when I got them that they would never be abandoned or ever get hit by a car and would always have food and fresh water and would be loved and taken care of until they died. My own little pledge of allegiance.
I carried Lani down to Kalama Park that New Years Eve to watch the fireworks over the water down to the south of us. I got another lesson in just who my little girl was-----she was terrified of the noise and crawled up into my lap and stuck her head under my arm! I had a sensitive little sweetie!
I soon found out that she loved romping around the yard shaking and pouncing on coconuts. The dried nuts fiber on the outer skin was a great thing to grab hold of and shake while she ran around and bucked like a bronco. When she shook them they also, unfortunately would swing around and club her on the shoulders and head. Funny to watch but not a good idea after too long of a time. I also found out that she loved cats. I had some "yard cats" that would "mouse" my yard and they would wander in and she would walk up curiously and touch noses with the "safer" ones. If they ran, she chased them but if they stopped, she would simply stop and walk away. It was never aggressive and either play or friendship.
She so aggressively ran after a cat one day that she ran right through the Arica Palm hedge and I heard a "RANG" from a post----she came out limping and I looked to find that she had run right into a long bolt sticking out of my hedge "poles" and bent it flat! That soon blew up like a balloon and she got her first "post-puppy" visit to the Vet to drain the fluid from that wound. She would forever have a "divot" in her shoulder muscle that I could feel when I petted her.
I sadly lost a photo from about this time of her with a model friend who had come to Maui for a photo shoot. They were both long legged "gazelles" romping around my yard and the photo showed Lani with her "teen" legs sitting between the models outstretched legs on the sofa---both with huge smiles on their faces---blissed out with life.
I decided I needed to take her down to another park to find out just what kind of toy she would prefer. The coconut idea was fun but a bit dangerous and she also had gotten into grabbing windfall avocados to toss around and then eat. Again, funny but after a few times of all green face, she came down with what the Vet diagnosed as a case of Pancreatitis from overloading on the fat content of the avocados. SO-----a bucket full of assorted toys was called for....
I remember a beautiful Sunday morning. I got her to "sit" and then backed up about 6 ft. "Stay, Lani" I threw a "Kong." Nothing. A ball. She ran after it but it was simply followed and then she returned to look at me. A stick. (she gave me a look like "Really?) A "squeaky" toy. That actually kind of scared her. "There is something inside that toy!!" a number of assorted ropes like things. Nothing. A hard plastic Frisbee. She caught it. Just like that. Problem solved. Just to be sure, I gathered up the other things and got her to stand out in front of me again and then threw the Frisbee. Caught it again. This was a large, plastic beach throwing model. I threw it again---further this time---and she ran after it, caught it, and then turned, while I shouted "Bring it here, Lani, bring it here." She quickly turned and ran back to me but the Frisbee was so big and hard that it flipped up over her head and she ran blindly back to me while gripping the inside lower edge in her teeth! She was THRILLED! She also found she could, if she got a good grip on the edge, shake it back and forth like her coconuts. PERFECT!!!
And so, her life long obsession began.........
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